A work-in-progress level generator. The generator stitches together a random assortment of biomes:

  • Brick - a series of brick rooms connected by doors
    • Doors that are closed can be opened by moving into them
  • Grass - grass areas, containing trees and sometimes horses
  • Stone - stone rooms connected with corridors
  • Chasm - large drops that cannot be crossed, with ledges built around their edges
  • Water - caves containing shallow water. They can be moved through.
  • Lava - lakes of lava with occasional islands of rock.

The seed slider selects a seed, the generator builds a level from this value.

The stage slider can be used to stop generation early and can be used to see how generation works by expansion.

To walk around the level use numpad keys, or WASD to move the camera represented as an @ symbol. The whole map can be revealed by unchecking Restrict View.

The button at the lower right at the right of 'RLMAPGEN' will switch to fullscreen.

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